Thursday, March 27, 2014

Friendship and Its Deep Effects on human Character (Part 1)

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According to Wikipedia
 Friendship is a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. Friendship is a stronger form of interpersonal bond than an association.

Friendship and Its Deep Effects on human Character 
The need for human being to have friends and intimate atmosphere is undeniable. The feeling of loneliness is one of the most crushing psychological mood of human beings. Friend and friendship enhance the human tolerance against the difficulties of life. According to researcher the patient who has incurable diseases with few friend die soon than those with lot of relation or those with happy and supportive families. Friendly relationship make us feel we belong to a group and feel membership in the group. This kind of membership has its own advantage. One of which is reliable unity, the kind of bond on which one can rely in time of trouble.

Friendship also result in emotional stability and help us understanding our position vis-a-vis  other ; it means our friend’s  reaction against our speech , behavior , and emotion help us know who we really are and understanding the difference between right and wrong . Lastly, this state results in our balance and reformation of our character and helps the improvement and strength of our abilities against the situations and happening in the world around.
Another function of friendship is the exchanging of information and skills and sharing the experience of others, for friendship is a chance to use others’ facilities to improve and thus practically expand one’s assets.
One of the most important function of friendship is helping others, for friendship is a chance for individual to help others and fulfill their positive and constructive role in a society. By doing so, the person will have self-respect and also a positive role in the process of development of other character. All of these will result in the mental health of individuals and will gradually help the improvement of morality and human values and finally the movement toward perfect human character.
Friendship (i.e. thoughtful friendship) change a person in to group; it make movement and has the role of reforming and leading people to perfection.
It is based on the presupposition that affection toward another believer is one of the highest level of faith and the holy Abraham could gain the position of God’s friendship1   
Whoever deprives himself of practical culture of friendship is deprived of many capabilities and become a lonely and incapable person.  About such a person, the Prophet (P.B.U.H) says: “the believer is a friend and companion and others make friend and with him, and others is no use in the one who does not make friends with others (i.e. does not enter the circle of friends) and who is not made friend with”

The leader of Islam (P.B.U.H) considers friendship is a blessing from God and also an important possibility and says: “if God wants to bless somebody , He gives him a good friend who will remind him (of things ) when he forgets (them ) and who will help him when he remembers (things )” 

It should be taken into account that “friendship “ is not something accidental and simple  but a long and complex process which has which has an important role in the destiny of human beings .But there are also traps and challenges . to establish this kind of relationship , to improve it , to keep its necessary order and properly deal with the problem in its way in its way , one need reflection, a plan activity and skills

It would be highly simplistic to say: “start your friendship and everything will take care of itself.” it would be like believing that by just putting the key in switch, leaning back in seat, and leaving car to itself, one can drive in the street! It is just the reverse. Starting a close, useful and stable relationship demand precise compatibility , continuous observation and different complex skill like choice of friends, taking correct approach toward friends , showing friendship by physical and psychological methods, trust-making to direct and strengthen  friendly relationship in sublime and benefiting ways, dealing with the plagues of friendship and recognizing the limits of friendship  


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