Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Imran Ghazali's Unmatchable Tenure as PTI's Social Media Operations Head Ends

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Let the beauty of what you love be what you do – Rumi
The exquisiteness of Rumi is his ability of capturing essence of life in his mesmerizing words and the beauty of Ghazali is that he has been living Rumi’s words aptly.
Imran Ghazali is not a name but an institute; a world of wisdom, passion and submissiveness. Back in 2007, PTI discovered one of its gem in form of Imran Ghazali; A young enthusiastic lad who recently returned from States after completing his bachelors in Business Administration from Ohio State University. It was Ghazali’s love for Pakistan which lead him to join the most extraordinary and revolutionary political party of Pakistan “PTI”. Soon after joining PTI as one of insaf.pk administrators, the taste of leadership and mentoring started to kick in. His tireless efforts and superb management in insaf.pk paved his path to the inception of PTI SMT. Along with others, Ghazali holds the honor of being pioneers of developing first official profile of PTI on facebook and twitter. It didn’t take him long to analyze and evaluate the need of a proper Social Media Team. The need was quench by a crazy idea of running the entire SMT through a network of volunteers; a concept impossible to achieve but this determined chap worked day and night structuring, planning, strategizing and executing idea to turn this dream into reality.
Today PTI has a gigantic network of Social Accounts not only in Pakistan but also in foreign countries. He tutored SMT in every manner; be it performing behind the desk or leading ground from front.
William Arthur Ward once said “A mediocre teacher tells, a good teacher explains, a superior teacher demonstrates and a great teacher inspires”. For us that inspiration has been Imran Ghazali. It goes without saying that Ghazali’s brilliant mentorship produced numerous stars in PTI SMT.
We, PTI Social Media Team is in debt to him for his selfless dedication and exceptional services. He is a glorifying role model for all SMT tigers and tigresses.
**Imran Ghazali's Unmatchable Tenure as PTI's Social Media Operations Head Ends


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