Sunday, February 8, 2015

Traditional Tikkha Treat with friends

Peshawar is always been famous for traditional Pakhtoon dishes and it would be an  injustice  if you miss the delicious food of Peshawar on visiting the capital of Khyber Pukhtoon Khwa.
In this regard Namak Mandy ( A food street) and University Road is unforgettable spots . A variety of small and large restaurant is there to offer you the best of local traditional , national and international dishes. 

Seekh Tikkha of small animal , like goat and cattle is a lovely dish among Pukhtoon people but now  foreigner also come and enjoy this more than the puktoon as its taste is matchless. Once you eat , you will never forget. Moreover it will always drag you to taste it again and again like me.
I have been a big fan of Charsi Tikkha shop. When I was studying in Peshawar University. I always used  to visit it bimonthly with friends but you know, in student life one always have a limitation in budget. In this kinda of situation , then we have to chose some low budget restaurant like Shinwari at Tambwano at Tehkal. 

Last night on Saturday , After 6 month we , (the friend of ITEC)  once again planned a get together and fortunately the venue was again decided to be the Charsi Tikka  ( thumb up )

A lucky men ( me and my friend Imran ullah ) started traveling from Islamabad toward Peshawar. On the whole way we were excited for two things , a gathering of my scattered friends ,as all are now doing job in various cities and the meat of goat :). Don't laugh: Tikkha is my weakness.
We all reached there at 8 pm. Mehboob Ullah , Ishfaq Ahmad and Sami Ullah  already have placed the order by selecting menue as they have reached earlier and waiting for us to join them.
The Peshawri friends welcomed us warmly and hot debate/ gossip starded. It was really an awsome feeling while reminding the memorable moment of internship in IT directorate Peshawer. 
The 8 month intership have teached us more than just programming and software development. It have blessed us all with the best company of like minded people. Now every one is having a succeful professional life in their respective field of interest. 
At this occasion we missed our two great buddies  , Waseem Ullah and Xia  Ullah ; the one is in Canada while the other was absent due some other appointment. 
Thanks to Mehboob Ullah And Sami Ullah for paying the bill. Lol,   it doubled a fun when you having a Seekh Tikkha and Karhi while the bill is paid by other.....
Its important to mention that Mehboo Ullah has tie the knot  and Sami Ullah is soon leaving for Saudi Arabia for job. 
We wishe best luck for them.


  1. I am thankful for all my friends that blessed us with this marvelous gathering. May my friend live long....!

  2. Awsome time and gathering thanks for maboob and we wish him success in his new life :)

  3. Have a memorable gathering on Mahboob engagement party
    May God live long and i wish him in his new life

  4. Have a memorable gathering on Mahboob engagement party
    May God live long and i wish him in his new life

  5. Have a memorable gathering on Mahboob engagement party
    May God live long and i wish him in his new life

  6. Have a memorable gathering on Mahboob engagement party
    May God live long and i wish him in his new life
