Friday, November 18, 2016

Feudalism: Legacy of the Freedom Struggle

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The freedom struggle to achieve the finally designed objective of Partition in the Indian Subcontinent was led by All India Muslim League for Muslims. Being less anchored in the community, Muslim league has to secure power through going hand in hand with the land owner class of the society especially in Punjab. This led to the development of a feudal class entrenched with political power thus creating a politico-feudal conundrum. Objectively utilizing capabilities to grab votes, this landowner class had limited institutionalization abilities. 

Feudalism: Legacy of the Freedom Struggle

Jinnah well acknowledged these incapacities. British Governor Hugh Dow once told viceroy Lord Wavell that Jinnah once told him that I will not buy the lot in five lakh rupees, to which I replied I will buy it even cheaper. Feudal structures were further strengthened by the patron-client relationship of raj and the political vacuum created after partition.  This feudalism led to the crisis of Governance in the state of Pakistan with institutional path dependency syndrome. 

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