Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Establishment, Conspiracies & Pakistan’s Political landscape

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Pakistan’s political landscape, tumultuous as ever, is characterized by conspiracies and the role of Establishment remains central to these machinations. Intensive in character the secret role is as disruptive as devious to the political arena and political actors. Opportunist politicians, however, are always trapped in the obvious strengths of Establishment which is continuously proved to be pernicious to the democratic governance in Pakistan.
Zulfiqar Ali Bhutto can be rightly given the “credit” for enhancing the role of the secret organizations to political arena in his quest to subdue his fellow politicians and to ensure their docility. Ghulam Mustafa Khar’s personal “Sins” were filed with the services of Establishment as he was the most needed first target of the Civilian Martial Law Administrator. Bhutto was on same page with Establishment until he was ousted by the Military General and the same-paged Establishment was now on the same page with the new-comer in power. The same Military General’s opposition led by Benazir Bhutto was also strengthened by the same on-page Establishment trammeling the General’s power. As Ian Talbot has noted “the ISI was to play a role in organizing them (Zia’s opponents) into a coherent grouping in advance of the 1988 elections which followed Zia’s death”. But the elected government this time again was muzzled as Benazir herself acknowledged that her one hand is tied behind her back.

The democratic interlude after Zia started with Benazir in power supported by the Establishment, but the democratic government was halted by disruptions created through Islami Jamhoori Ittehad (IJI) giving power to Nawaz Sharif. He was again trammeled through the creation of Pakistan Islamic Front (PIF) which gave power to Pakistan People party (PPP) and not the PIF. The PPP government was ended by President Farooq Khan Laghari following powerful agitations in the country and Nawaz Sharif was catapulted to power followed by his removal by General Musharraf. The Establishment this time formed a coalition of the religious parties in Pakistan in opposition to the General’s regime capitalizing over the US invasion of Afghanistan. Muttahida Majlisi Amal (MMA) was thus the outcome which led to serve the Establishment’s interests in both opposing Musharraf’s rule and civilianization of the martial law.

Establishment ---the behind the screen actor--- in Pakistan’s political landscape is thus a devious ally of politicians and the grouping is characterized by the fact that politicians, the second party to the consortium, have no choice but to follow a path designed to be considered the sole drive towards nation-building. Opinions, however, remain divided on the actual meaning of Nation-building.

waqar's other writings.. 

Political Development vis-à-vis Feminism

Feudalism: Legacy of the Freedom Struggle


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