Monday, November 3, 2014

Multiple gruop accept responsibility of Wahga border attack: Bilal Ghauri

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 Muhammad Bilal Ghauri
I received this email few minutes ago,already ‪#Jundullah has claimed responsibility of ‪#WahgaborderBlast 
.Here arises question ,which is true and which one is false ?
"TTTPJA claim the responsibility of Wahga border attack. Our friend Hanifullah operated this attack. The is the start of attacks of TTPJA and InshaAllah we will continue such attacks in the future .Some other groups claim the responsibility of this attack but these claims are baseless. We will soon release the video of this attack.INSHALLAH.This attack is the revenge of the killing of those innocent people who have been killed by Pakistan Army particularly of those who have been killed in North Waziristan.
Ehsanullah Ehsan.
Spokesman Tehrek-e-Taliban Pakistan JamaatulAhrar"


Muhammad Bilal Ghauri


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