Friday, November 28, 2014

Have a vision …find the best way to make it come true

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No doubt Pakistan is full of resources and intelligent youth but on the other hand this is the country which has compromised its sovereignty and integrity as in the case of drone attack and some other international issues.

Pakistan has touched the extreme of both aspect due to which sometime it seems that the country will rise up in the category of developed nations while some it seems that it is failing and lagging behind . According to British survey, my beloved country Pakistan has the world’s most intelligent and intellectual youth and with this research-based conclusion, another amazing fact is that Pakistan is the only country where youth constitute more than 65% of the population i-e more than 117 million. It means that most intellectual part of our population is in majority. And this is the aspect on which the word seems much concerned fearing that if the youth of Pakistan become productive, the country’s economy would thrive at top rate.

, if the youth of Pakistan want to go for a prosperous and bright future then first they must be loyal , sincere , and devoted to Pakistan and protect the ideology of country that would ultimate restore our pride and self-respect to enhance our action for ultimate definite success with high vision . 
I, as social activist, got too many chances to get detailed interaction with youth in Pakistan. I have already interacted with youth from Kashmir and Karachi. I have noticed one major weakness in our youth. It is “lack of collective and correct vision”. Due to this issue the nation is still directionless as well as visionless. The best thing is that Pakistan is delivering delivering youth Icon to the word like Ali Moeen Nawazish – notable for making a world record by making 21 A’s in A’ level; Arfa Karim – the youngest Microsoft Certified Professional at the age of nine; Aitiza Hassan –a 15-year old boy who died while trying to save his school from a suicide bomber. The youth of Pakistan also trained in disaster management as we have already faced in critical situation like years of terrorism, tragic earthquake and floods.   
Many social organization and NGOs have been working for youth in Pakistan. These organizations claim that they want to eliminate weaknesses of Pakistan with the help of youth but it seems that they are mainly interested in minting money or spreading some hidden agendas. You will be shocked to know that Pakistan is on the top in world to have mushroom growth of NGOs. I have worked with several NGOs and youth related platforms but only a few are doing their best. The small number is not encouraging but still I am hopeful that together we will bring some productive and revolutionary change in which several other thing would come up with “Roti Kapra our Makan” and the word “Tabdeeli “ will not be used merely as a slogan , if the youth of Pakistan want to go for a prosperous and bright future then first they must be loyal , sincere , and devoted to Pakistan and protect the ideology of country that would ultimate restore our pride and self-respect to enhance our action for ultimate definite success with high vision .  Think best, act best, and hope for the best of the best.

by Syed Umairuddin Hassan

The writer is doing M.Phil. He is a social activist ex-president Youth Intelligentsia


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