Sunday, September 8, 2019


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Mr. Imran Khan,
The present devastating economic situation of our beloved country, Pakistan, is not hidden from anyone. Unemployment, corruption, nepotism, and price hiking have made the life of ordinary man miserable. According to an article published in Daily Dawn Karachi, the government of Pakistan has decided to make the job of 100, 000 employees redundant in order to improve the economic situation. This is a simple proof of how our beloved country is heading towards bankruptcy. On the other hand, the blessed class of the country, that is, the landlords and industrialists including all the politicians and army generals are flourishing economically day by day.
The present government of Pakistan has taken a positive step towards paying back the huge national debt under the name of `TAX TAX TAX collection '. This initiative of the government is highly appreciable. However, it appears to be impossible to achieve the basic goal by simply appealing to the general public. I would like to highlight the main flaws associated with the basic structure of the so called `TAX TAX TAX collection’ so that it could be improved. First, all the present government have lost their credibility in the eyes of the general public. Their dream of seeing Pakistan a stable, economically strong, honest and social welfare state has been shattered badly. Therefore, the public don't believe in what the government says.
Secondly, the general public poses a very rational question that is for what services of the State they need to help the government in paying back the huge national debt which was used for the cause of the blessed class and was not beneficial in improving the standard of ordinary people'?
The third and most important flaw in the `TAX TAX TAX collection’ is that the government has pointed all her fingers towards the nation and thus forgot herself. Therefore, they must play their vital role practically by following the rightly guided Caliphs Hazrat Abu-Bakr (ra) and Hazrat Umar (ra). When Allah and His Prophet (PBUH) needed help, Abu-Bakr (ra) scarified all his assets for the cause of Islam while Umar (ra) gave half of his assets for the same cause.
Therefore, first of all, on behalf of the general public, I would like to request, PM IMRAN KHAN and ALL PRESENT & FORMER Parliamentarians to follow the footsteps of Abu-Bakr (ra) and Umar (ra) by donating their full assets or at least half of their assets to the said MUHUM. I put the same request to all other rich politicians and non-politicians (army generals etc.) who have been ruling the country since 1947. The following factors provide sound justification for the said request on behalf of the general public of Pakistan:
(1) It were the politicians, industrialists, landlords, bureaucrats, and army generals who were benefited from the creation of Pakistan. Everybody knows that only certain blessed families in Pakistan have been ruling over the country. Thus due to their high political influences in the power game of Pakistan, these categories of people have multiplied their wealth by different means. Therefore, it is foremost responsibility of these rich personalities to save their beloved country from economic collapse with their immense assets as they have never been reached to the present status, which is not less than that of Qaroon mentioned in the Holy Quran, without the creation of Pakistan.
(2) The ruling class of Pakistan, especially top political leaders and army generals exploited Islam to gain power. Our PM always talk about RIYAST-E-MADINA about the ideals of Islam in order to give the impression that he is a very sincere to the Islamisation of Pakistan. Therefore, it demands that like Hazrat Abu Bakr (ra) and Hazrat Umar (ra), the PM (who is pictured as the most honest and religious person), and ALL PRESENT & FORMER Parliamentarian and FAUJIES, must show their sincerity with the Islamic State of Pakistan, which is the heart of all Islamic countries, at this very crucial moment. Otherwise, they should stop of talking Islam as according to the saying of Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) "you cannot be a Muslim if you eat to your full whilst your neighbors are sleeping without food".
(3) The people of Pakistan are looking for ideal heroes like Quaid-i-Azam who scarified his whole life for the creation of Pakistan. If the top brasses of the country prove themselves as ideal models by donating full or half of their assets for the cause of the beloved country whose ship of economy is sinking with a high rate.
I strongly believe that only such a heroic action of the leaders will save it from sinking. This noble deed will also be rewarded by Allah in the hereafter.
If ALL PRESENT & FORMER Parliamentarians and other rich politician and Faujies etc. become successful in giving full or half shares of their assets to the country, then the strong need of much talked about "TAX COLLECTION" will vanish. This will also bring the confidence and respect of the general public on the government and I am sure that the general public will also help the country with whole heart.
With best wishes and regards
Prangwal Bimberjumat


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