Saturday, January 9, 2016

February 5 : 13th International Youth Gathering (IYG)

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Every year, UNIW through its Youth wing organizes International Youth Gathering (IYG). The main objective of IYG is to develop networking between Muslim youth and to know each other activities in their own respective countries.
For the year 2015, Pakistan has been nominated for the prestigious honor to hold the 13th IYG 2016. The main objectives of this gathering are to gather Youth from round the world to discuss their issues, create relationship among them and to promote Pakistan’s rich culture & history.
It is worth to mention that we have invited guests, trainers, and speakers who are very well known throughout the nation. Different purposeful and worth listening segments have been designed in the conference. The conference will be comprised of 3 days.
At IYG, aspiring young leaders from 30-40 countries will be exposed to diversity of thoughts, ideas, and vision, believes and culture which helps them to analyze the pertinent issues facing the youth of the World.

Conference Fee: PKR 5000 (without accommodation) For Pakistani Participants

Conference Fee 100 Dollars ( with accommodation ) For International Participants

Registration Form
Rana Hassan RH
Contact Us: +92 300 077 6015

join event @ facebook 


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