Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Battle for Pakistan is being fought in KPK for the past 35 years

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Raheel sharif and Nawaz Sharif Nawaz Shareef and Raheel Shareef representing the civilian and military establishment need to understand that the battle for Pakistan is being fought in KPK for the past 35 years. People of KPK are the victims of a monstrous experimentation by khaki and non-khaki establishment of Pakistan. Also, the "Punjabi Mentality" of Nawaz Shareef & Co is further alienating the common man of KPK. I spent almost two months in Pakistan and interacted with people from across the board. The Punjab Centric policies of Nawaz Sharif are proving detrimental to the confederation of Pakistan.

Altaf Qadir Profile PIC
Writer :Altaf Qadir 
I am absolutely convinced that Pakistan's future is utterly linked to the future of KP.

I suggested in 2003 that there should be Pak Army Cantonments in Swat, North Waziristan, Khyber Agency and Parachinar. And it is after 12 years that the Khaki Establishment has started doing exactly the same.
Now I say that Pakistani Establishment should make KP as the top priority for all sorts of security and developmental projects.
Remember, KP is going to be the future jugular vein of the energy resources of the country. I will write about it some other time....

This script was taken from Facebook. 


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