Saturday, October 11, 2014

Musings on Islam

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A friend of mine beckoned me to respond to a plethora of questions agitated by a Pakistani Canadian writer, currently writing a book “the Atheist Muslim”. My submissions will be shared with you soon, with the request to kindly intimate your valuable feedback to render it into a learning opportunity. The questions were triggered in the backdrop of the recent Ben Afflict-Bill Maher debate on CNN regarding Islam as a violence-driven religion. Here is a brief clip of the CNN show:
Does Islam harbor a penchant for violence? Is the Quran fallible? Can Muslims shed their Islamic identity in lieu of a Muslim identity on the analogy of secular Jews and secular Christians? Will Muslims undertake reform of Islam at a time when the terrorists are hijacking its image while the moderates confront a worsening credibility crunch? Multiple questions like these have been raised by Ali A. Rizvi. Here is the link to access his actual write up.
My response follows shortly. (Karam Elahi, Peshawar Pakistan, October 10th 2014) 


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