Friday, December 9, 2016

Mr. Miftah shared his inspirational entrepreneurial journey with Plan9 - PITB's Tech Incubator

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For the launch of Plan9 Baithak, Plan9 in collaboration with Information Technology University brought Mr. Miftah Ismail Ahmad, the Minister of State/Chairman Board of Investment join the audience that hugely consisted of budding entrepreneurs looking to start their own startups. Mr. Miftah shared his inspirational entrepreneurial journey with them. With a diverse range of experience behind him, his story gave a lot of value addition for individuals trying to test the entrepreneurial battle ground. The fact that his experience is a mix of both public and private sector puts him in the best position to give valuable feedback to people trying to make a space in the startup ecosystem.
"You should be able to avail the first mover advantage to be known as the innovator. No matter how good the idea is, if you are not able to market it well, it won’t be a success. It is essential that your idea is original and not a rip off of another's. You should be able to explain your idea in just 4-5 minutes maximum. You should be an expert at it as that is the maximum attention span an investor/customer has" Mifta Ismail's advice to the startups. 


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