Thursday, December 4, 2014

Why you should hate Pakistani Media ?

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There is no doubt that the media influences us.
To state some examples to prove this claim, try answering the questions that follow.
Do you feel like attempting a stunt from a movie?
Do you base your fashion on what you see the celebrities are wearing?
Do you copy the hairstyle of your favorite famous personalities?
Do you absorb the political thoughts of a leaders who appear frequently on Media?
Have you ever attempted to walk model-like in an attempt to imitate those ramp models in fashion shows?
If you answered yes to any of these questions, then it is accepting the influence on media in your life. However, it is important to dwell on the negative influences of media because these can change the dynamics of the society for the worse.
Media often hypes the basic facts or information and presents them so as to increase the superficial appeal of things. Media overemphasis’s on the money and ‘glamour’ aspects, film stars, models and the ‘successful’ men and women in the fields of sports, business, art and politics.

The values it emphasises are materialistic; and the people who embody them are largely superficial and artificial. As a result, the cultural values that the media supports and which are taking root in society in modern times are superficial and oriented towards money and glamour.

Onward from General Perveez Mushhraf era. The media houses has been flourished and have gotten more and more freedom than ever. Now there is no authority in Pakistan to challenge them in true sense ,for the damage they are causing to our society  . Even PEMRA has no such a power in real sense to ensure the audit of big media houses and program they telecast to their audience deliberately. Keeping no care of cultural norm.  
At first it was believed that media will give direction to a social change, and will positively guide the society towards the desired goals and most importantly it will protect the ideological border of our country. 
It was also assumed that electronic media may be successful in stimulating the change in the tightly held ideas and rigid attitudes to bring desired change.It should also use by the state / society /organizations to promote educational activity. But unfortunately our media is very far to achieve it. Rather they have got a very nice experience in making a powerful propaganda against those big elephant of the society to grab money in return.
Stew Job have said very well that technology is nothing. What’s important is that you have a faith in people, that they are basically good and smart,   and if you give those tools, they’ll give them wonderful things with them.
It can be said very sadly that in our media no one has a faith to use them for the betterment rather their faith is only the money. Give them money and they will write and broadcast for you whatever you want ,to misguide the poor masses. The electronic Media is primarily and popularly is in use of some influential capitalist, political leaders, and other powerful institution of the country as a tool of self-propaganda, the quality of news is poor, unreliable and un-imaginative presentation of events and stories, ultimately damaging our society.  They promotes fake leaders through which they misguide the society ,and  don’t care  that what is right and what is wrong. The media reporter often behave rudely as bully and people feel fear just because they will publish a malicious content against them.
Pakistan media has Dangerous and serious drawbacks due to which I hate and we have to counter these problem  
·        Western and Indian cultural influx has taken place through media and is permeating Pakistani society  
·        There are media talks shows on subject including sex etc which otherwise are taboos in our society
·        Our media is not developing our national image. The thread posed to our values are immense and must be encountered.
·        Pakistani media is projecting false values in its programs they are not real and are not based on ground realties.
·     News are published / broadcasted without  authentication or confirmation of the facts.

Some People has the opinion that it give voice to the neglected element of the society but in Pakistan this kind of practice have never been observed ,as these thing is taken as tool to make a propaganda campaign when it is need against some one to be pressurized. 
For Pakistani media, issues are  not important but money is more important what ever the source is.  
One more  thing to be remembered,   that our  Media is 95% governed by secular minded people .Majority of owners , anchor persons broadcaster and reporters have hate for religion in their heart and they represent  it in a negative way.  They often draw comparison between religious and non-religious society mentioning the law and order situation. People with low understanding of geo-political issues are easily led to believe that religion is the root cause of all problems. Inti-Islam propaganda is at height and this is not a new thing.
Recently ,the mistake of Jumaid Jamshaid have been highlighted so badly and all the channel took part in this propaganda. It also create a hatred for media by misguiding people about the  real situation and creating a misconception of the Blasphemy  act and it punishment in Islam . The secular media is doing all this to make changes in the Blasphemy Law in Pakistan. So that in future they may be able to  broadcast blasphemous programs with out any hesitation. This is what the media want to achieve their desired outcomes.     
As a responsible Muslim and citizen of Pakistan, we have to resist these element by gaining knowledge and find new ways to propagate our values should be the first priority.  

Don't forget to comment at the comment section below and add your opinion.  


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