Thursday, January 21, 2016

When Facebook will show solidarity with Pakistan ?

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And I kept waiting ........................... perhaps the founder of Facebook will show a  solidarity with the Pakistani  nation on the tragedy that happened in Bacha Khan University today , that they may urge to display Pakistani flag........
Moreover , world leaders and heads of  all the countries will also show solidarity with  Pakistani people.
And a  noise will be echoed in media that Pakistan is a big  victim of terrorism.
In fact , In other countries this kind of  tragedies occurrs once a year , but alas....!  it happens in  Pakistan on daily basis and I felt and observed very deeply that no one cares for Pakistan.
 And then I kept waiting...........I felt  the pain for France  and changed my  DP.
...................and I kept waiting................. that the liberal , and westernized minds  may try to change their DPs but nothing happened. Nor Mark Zuckerberg felt the pain nor my Desi liberals ..........but I saw the red blood on the floor of Bacha Khan University. Mothers cried for their young beloved and sisters lost hope ............ by seeing the dead bodies of their brothers .........But the wait is over.
Perhaps some of you are going to wait...........................!

Attack on Bacha Khan University in Charsadda. In which 19 Students are dead and 26 are injured


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