Tuesday, March 17, 2015

9 Zero’s Raid : the beginning.

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In the first half of last year while Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (N) government was following the same path of Zardari’s rule and probably still is.
 The opposition party Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) took up the matter of electoral fraud was declared on the streets. Model Town Lahore, tragedy compels the workers of Minhaj ul Quran to join sit in for justice. The protesters in the country's capital create tension for rulers. In the name of saving democracy government and opposition (PPP, JUI, ANP, MQM and other small fictions of Parliament) was standing in the same row. The masses are probably looking forward for getting attention of third force. As “Go Nawaz Go” had become a national popular slogan.
 But this time, instead to lift a finger, the third force adopts the policy of, “wait and see”. And the parade of the Army Public School harrowing tragedy occurred. The event benefits the compound military. The whole civilian’s team was bold by the situation as the politicians are incapable to meet the law and order challenges of the country. This  time military bridge the gap and secure their position in constitution under 21st Constitutional Amendment to tackle with terrorism. There is apparently now in the Assembly. To spend millions and anonymously through daily life is the president. The Prime Minister and Ministers .
You can easily call it a democracy,  to satisfy your heart, but its not. The fact is that the current system is a soft martial law which gradually will be stiff. Transfer of powers from Islamabad to Rawalpindi, perhaps due to leaning towards India. The worst unrest in the country and the government's failure to prevent the tragedy Model Town, including some others blames. After the success of the operation Zarb e Azab and in particular by implementing the National Action Plan muggy her fullest sense of the military force. Not only internally but the United States, China, Britain and Afghanistan was also evident from the recent visits by foreign powers that might actually acknowledge the Pak army.
            As soon as possible the completion of the operation Zarb e Azab, Karachi was beginning to clear. The extortion, corruption and killings committed horrific stories. Zardari's party, there was an effect less to handle situation. Being self-government and Zardari the corruption charges is under enormous. The central government also avoids picketing make banana understanding compound interest was justified and accepted was invalid. The MQM also shake hands with both PML (N) and Zaridari. In the response, unrest get speed in Karachi. Two hundred and fifty of people burned alive in the Baldia Town factory tragedy. MQM is declared responsible for the unfortunate event by joint investigation team (JIT). But due to so called democracy and politics of self-interest still no justice were provided to the victims of Baldia accident. In the presence of poor government and unaffordable law situation the Ranger declare red alert across the city to start operation clean up.

 In this detoxification process the center of the MQM “Nine Zero” was raided. According to Rangers convicted criminals, target killers and foreigners prohibited arms are recovered during raid.
 The act of Rangers makes two things clear.  
Firstly we know it is not “unknown persons” in Karachi unrest individuals involved are links with Nine Zero. 
Second, the raid caught on Nine Zero is not the end but the beginning of filtration may be location, situation and techniques should not be like Nine Zero. Terrorism and extremism in the country, including all kinds of political corruption will be not tolerated. Detoxification process must continue without any discrimination. If clean-up is keep restricted against specific groups or a special party. Then questions will be asked naturally.
 What political parties do?
 The question is valuable. It is possible that all political parties become fully democratic and announce zero tolerance for any armed activities of any kind of abandon and people involved in any non-constitutional matters to  be withdraw from.
       What the Army doing, is right. But it is a fact that they must never forget that ruling is the job of politicians. However, any traitor of the country must be encounter by the army. It’s mandatory for army to obey and facilitate the patriotic government.
               Finally, the most important question is what the people do???? 
The answer is, We believe that this is our country and we have until it is. Therefore do not vote to corrupt one. Say no to any sort of extremism. Join hand to rebuild the country according to the vision of Quaid.

Writer : Ikram Ullah Arif 


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